Greenboard, a startup specializing in compliance and operations software for the financial sector, announced a $4.5 million seed investment today.

The round, spearheaded by Base10 Partners, also saw contributions from Y Combinator and General Catalyst among others, signaling strong market confidence in Greenboard's innovative approach.

The funding aims to push Greenboard's development of a comprehensive, AI-enhanced platform designed to streamline financial firms' compliance activities and back office operations.

"This investment will enable financial institutions to operate more efficiently, reducing reliance on large back office teams," explained Dave Feldman, Co-founder and CEO of Greenboard.

He further noted the strong demand for modernizing compliance systems, which Greenboard addresses with its AI-native solutions.

The startup founded in June 2023 by Dave Feldman and Ed Schembor, both alumni of Johns Hopkins and former leaders at Amazon and Hive AI, Greenboard has rapidly advanced its platform.

Their technology replaces outdated systems with a cutting-edge AI compliance operating system, focusing on applications like Know Your Employee (KYE) and Communications Archiving.

Furthermore, Customer feedback shows the platform's impact.

"Greenboard has significantly enhanced our risk detection and compliance automation capabilities," said Brook Powers, CEO of Fiduciary Financial Advisors. "Its user-friendly design is crucial for attracting top financial advisors."

Reflecting on the evolution of financial recordkeeping, Feldman remarked,

"With advances in technology, such as cheap hard drives and cloud computing, the need for traditional file clerks has dramatically decreased, making way for more efficient digital solutions."


In summary, Greenboard's mission extends beyond compliance; it aims to improve financial back office procedures through automation and preliminary data analysis, setting a new standard in the industry.

Rexhi Dollaku, Partner at Base10 Partners, highlighted the alignment of Greenboard's vision with Base10's investment philosophy, which focuses on empowering visionary founders and automating the real economy.

The funding round not only bring out Greenboard's potential but also strengthens its position as a leader in AI-powered financial solutions.

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