Are you struggling to navigate the complexities of deploying your blockchain application? QuickNode is a powerful platform that simplifies blockchain development by providing essential infrastructure and tools.

This article will cover how QuickNode refines the deployment process, explores the features it offers developers, and analyzes its pricing structure. 

What is QuickNode?

QuickNode is a web3 platform that provides the essential infrastructure for developers building applications on blockchain technology. This platform's infrastructure allows developers to create dApps, crypto wallets, NFT marketplaces, and games.

It supports over 24 chains and 35 networks, including Ethereum, Arbitrum, Optimism, Polygon, BNB Chain, and Solana. It provides the tools, resources, and reliable infrastructure to build dApp products. It is also easy to use and secure and comes with helpful customer support.

QuickNode Features

1. Analytics

QuickNode Graph API: This powerful tool allows developers to query blockchain data using GraphQL, a flexible language for retrieving specific information. 

Market Data Integration: You can access market data through the API, which empowers developers to build applications with real-time awareness of trends and pricing within the blockchain ecosystem. This is important for applications in Decentralized Finance (DeFi) or NFT marketplaces.

2. Secure Endpoints

QuickNode prioritizes security by offering customizable authentication options. Developers can control access to their endpoints using methods like multiple authorization tokens and referrer restrictions. This ensures that only authorized applications can interact with their blockchain resources.

3. NFT Data Access 

QuickNode simplifies the process of retrieving Non-Fungible Token (NFT) data. Developers can fetch details about NFTs with a single API call, saving them time and development effort.

4. Seamless ERC-20 Token Interaction

This platform provides an API specifically designed for working with ERC-20 tokens, which is the most common standard for tokens on the Ethereum blockchain. This API lets developers easily integrate functionalities such as token transfers and balance checks into their applications.

5. Real-Time Blockchain Monitoring

QuickNode offers a notification system called QuickAlerts. This tool enables developers to set up real-time alerts for specific events occurring on the blockchain that are relevant to their applications. This can be anything from a token transfer to a smart contract execution.

6. IPFS Integration

QuickNode integrates with the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS), a decentralized storage network. This allows developers to store application data in a distributed and censorship-resistant manner. This enhances the resilience of the blockchain applications.

7. Third-Party Integrations(Beta)

QuickNode offers a marketplace (currently in Beta) where developers can explore and integrate additional tools and services into their workflows. This marketplace has the potential to become a one-stop shop for developers building on blockchains supported by QuickNode.

QuickNode Products

1. Core RPC API

Core RPC API provides a simple and reliable way for developers to interact with various blockchains through a standardized interface called an RPC (Remote Procedure Call) API. Imagine it as a translator between your application and the blockchain, allowing your code to send instructions and receive data from the blockchain network.

2. Blockchain Data Access

Streams: This innovative feature allows developers to subscribe to real-time data feeds from the blockchain. You can think of it as a live stream of transactions and events, enabling applications to react instantly to changes on the network.

Clusters: For mission-critical applications requiring maximum uptime and performance, QuickNode offers dedicated clusters. These clusters provide a high level of redundancy by running your connection across multiple nodes, ensuring your application remains operational even if individual nodes experience issues.

3. QuickAlerts

Staying informed about the on-chain activity is necessary for many blockchain applications. QuickAlerts allows developers to set up real-time notifications for specific events happening on the blockchain. This could be anything from a new transaction involving a specific wallet address to a smart contract execution.

4. IPFS (InterPlanetary File System)

QuickNode integrates with IPFS. Unlike traditional cloud storage, IPFS eliminates the risk of a single entity controlling the data, enhancing the security and reliability of blockchain applications.

5. Functions

QuickNode offers a serverless computing environment through its Functions feature. This allows developers to deploy code snippets that execute on the blockchain network without managing any servers themselves. This simplifies the development process and reduces infrastructure costs.

Pricing Plans

1. Discover Plan (Free) 

  • This plan is ideal for beginners or those experimenting with blockchain development.
  • It includes 50 million API Credits for interacting with the blockchain network.
  • This amount is suitable for basic tasks but may be quickly used up for frequent interactions.
  • It lacks features like auto-scaling, which can be limiting for applications expecting high traffic.
  • It offers access to community support for troubleshooting and basic questions.

2. Discover+ Plan ($10/month)

  • This is a step up from the free plan, offering 100 million API Credits, suitable for small-scale projects with moderate interaction with the blockchain.
  • There is an option for additional credits for $1.50 per million, allowing you to scale your usage as needed.
  • This plan includes two endpoints, allowing your application to connect to QuickNode from a single location.
  • It offers two QuickAlerts, enabling you to monitor one specific event on the blockchain.
  • Support is limited to the community forums, which may not be ideal for complex issues.

3. Build Plan ($49/month)

  • This plan is the most popular option and caters to developers building actively used applications.
  • It includes 500 million API Credits, a significant increase for projects with regular blockchain interaction.
  • It offers additional credits for $1 per million, providing more cost-effective scaling than the previous Discover plans.
  • It provides 10 endpoints, allowing your application to connect from two locations for redundancy or increased capacity.
  • This plan includes 10 QuickAlerts, enabling you to monitor two specific blockchain events simultaneously.
  • Support remains limited to the community forums.

4. Scale Plan ($299/month)

  • This is the most powerful plan, catering to enterprise-level applications with intensive blockchain usage.
  • It includes 3 billion API Credits as a base, with additional credits available for $1 per million.
  • It offers the highest performance tier with 6,000 Credits/second for handling massive transaction volumes.
  • It provides 20 endpoints for maximum scalability and redundancy when connecting your application.
  • It includes 20 QuickAlerts for comprehensive monitoring of on-chain activity.
  • It offers an improved support service and a response time of 8-12 hours for urgent issues.


QuickNode has established itself as a leading provider of blockchain infrastructure for developers. By offering a strong suite of tools, reliable access to various blockchains, and innovative features like Streams and IPFS integration, QuickNode lets developers focus on building the next generation of decentralized applications.

QuickNode's commitment to innovation and developer experience positions it as a key player in shaping the future of blockchain development.

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