Soundtrack Your Brand, the Stockholm-based startup in business music streaming, has launched an AI Playlist Generator. Soundtrack's latest innovation offers brands custom playlists from a library of over 100 million songs, responding to the growing demand for unique customer experiences.

The introduction of Soundtrack's AI Playlist Generator is a notable move in the commercial music streaming industry. By utilizing a Large Language Model, the generator crafts bespoke playlists for businesses, catering to their specific brand vibe, target audience, and desired atmosphere.

"This tool positions us as pioneers in music curation for businesses, large and small," stated Ola Sars, CEO and co-founder. "It’s a leap forward, empowering brands with precision-tailored soundscapes that resonate with their identity and audience."

Furthermore, The AI Playlist Generator emerges as a solution to a common challenge: curating music that enhances the customer experience without the extensive time investment traditionally required.

By inputting simple prompts about their business, owners can now instantly access playlists that perfectly match their environment, a game-changer for creating engaging atmospheres in retail, hospitality, and more.

This move is not Soundtrack’s first foray into AI-driven music curation but a continuation of its commitment since 2013 to leverage technology for innovative customer experiences.

“With this launch, we’ve set a new standard in utilizing AI for music streaming, ensuring our platform remains at the cutting edge of the industry,” added Sars.

Moreover, the AI Playlist Generator not only saves time but also elevates the customer experience, distinguishing businesses in a crowded marketplace.

Omar Marzouk, VP of Music Experience, commented on the role of AI in shaping the future of music curation.

"Our expertise, combined with AI's capabilities, is leading the next wave in music recommendation technology. This is just the beginning," Marzouk said, recognizing the company's vision for the future of music streaming.


In summary, Ola Sars founded Soundtrack Your Brand which also backed by Spotify, emerges as a global startup in music streaming for businesses. With a presence in 74 countries and a catalog boasting over 100 million tracks, it serves renowned clients like Ikea and Lululemon.

The AI Playlist Generator is the latest testament to Soundtrack Your Brand's innovation, ensuring businesses can offer captivating musical experiences effortlessly.

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