ZetaChain, a blockchain platform designed for simplicity and security, announced the activation of its mainnet today.

This development introduces a streamlined way for Web3 developers and users to engage with the entire cryptocurrency ecosystem from a single point, eliminating the complexities usually encountered with bridges and wrapped tokens.

Aiming to broaden the reach of cryptocurrency to a billion users, ZetaChain presents a universal platform that promises ease of access and practical utility for any blockchain.

Its capability extends to both EVM-Cosmos and traditional chains that do not support smart contracts, like Bitcoin and Dogecoin, offering a truly omnichain experience.

Ankur Nandwani, contributing significantly to ZetaChain, shared insights on the platform's objectives:

"The mainnet release marks a significant step for us towards simplifying how people interact with cryptocurrencies. It's about making the entire ecosystem more accessible and secure for everyone."

Additionally, the introduction of ZetaChain’s Omnichain Smart Contracts is a notable feature, enabling applications to effortlessly connect with any cryptocurrency.

This innovation has led to partnerships with prominent Web3 entities such as SushiSwap and Curve Finance, broadening the scope of crypto interactions available to users.

During its test phase, ZetaChain facilitated over 14 million transactions for more than 3 million users, showcasing its capacity and appeal.

The platform now boasts over 200 partnerships, covering a wide range of services from wallets and oracles to DeFi and NFT projects.


With the launch of its mainnet, ZetaChain is set to simplify the way developers and users connect across the crypto landscape.

By offering a unified, secure platform, ZetaChain supports the seamless interaction with cryptocurrencies, driving forward the integration of diverse blockchain technologies into a cohesive ecosystem.

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