Pecan AI introduces Predictive GenAI, a novel blend of predictive and generative AI (GenAI). This innovative tool is designed to streamline predictive modeling in business.

Predictive GenAI represents significant achievement in the world of enterprise AI. It addresses the slow adoption of GenAI in businesses. This new tool from Pecan promises to unlock new potentials in customer, employee, and product innovation.

Zohar Bronfman, CEO of Pecan AI, discusses the tool's necessity. He notes limitations in existing AI models like ChatGPT for predictive business needs.

"Our aim is democratizing data science," says Bronfman. "Predictive GenAI uniquely combines predictive analytics with GenAI. It's designed to enhance AI adoption and improve business results."

Bronfman further adds,

"This is an industry-first solution. It's tailored to meet real business challenges and enhance outcomes."

The core of Predictive GenAI is its integration of language models with traditional machine learning. It introduces Predictive Chat and Notebook. These features empower businesses to define and solve challenges through predictive models.

Whereas, Predictive Chat allows users to verbally outline business problems, then Predictive Notebook then provides SQL-based modeling resources.

These features are crafted to make predictive modeling accessible to a wider business audience. They enable precise predictions in customer behavior and equipment functionality.

Limor Segev, Senior Vice President of Product at Pecan AI, comments on the ease of use.

"Predictive GenAI eliminates the need for complex coding or expensive expertise. It opens a new pathway to build data science models."

This Pecan's Predictive GenAI draws on the company's experience in predictive modeling. It has been utilized by teams at Johnson & Johnson, CAA, Ideal Image, and SciPlay. This reflects its wide-reaching impact across various industries.


Predictive GenAI from Pecan AI aims to simplify data-driven decision-making in the enterprise world. This innovation underscores Pecan AI's commitment to advancing AI solutions in business. It paves the way for more accessible and effective use of AI in various industry sectors.

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