In a significant industry shift, Sequence, a web3 gaming development platform, welcomes Greg Canessa, the visionary behind Xbox Live Arcade (XBLA), as its new President and Chief Operating Officer.

Canessa's extensive experience, spanning over 25 years in executive gaming roles, positions him at the forefront of Sequence's expansion in web3 gaming.

His tenure at Microsoft, leading XBLA, and his subsequent roles at Google, Blizzard Entertainment, and Activision Blizzard, underline his profound impact on the gaming industry.

Greg Canessa's appointment marks a pivotal moment for Sequence.

His expertise in platform and content development, combined with his track record in SaaS and ecosystem creation, aligns perfectly with Sequence's mission to integrate web3 seamlessly into games.

Canessa expressed his enthusiasm for the role:

"Sequence represents the platform solution for web3, web2.5, and blockchain-enabled gaming. It's a complete end-to-end platform, purpose-built for gaming, that simplifies blockchain for developers, enabling innovative play experiences that will transform our industry."

At Sequence, Canessa plans to use his extensive experience to empower web3 game developers.

He aims to facilitate the integration of blockchain features into traditional web2 games, covering various platforms like mobile, PC, and console.

Sequence offers an all-in-one development platform, providing tools for seamless wallets, accounts, marketplaces, and blockchain data management.

This empowers developers to focus on creative execution, whether for web, mobile, or PC titles.


With Greg Canessa at the helm, Sequence is poised to revolutionize the web3 gaming sector.

His visionary leadership is expected to drive significant advancements in the field, making web3 gaming more accessible and engaging for a broader audience.

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