Outside Interactive, a prominent provider of outdoor lifestyle content and services, introduces Scout, a custom-developed AI chatbot. It utilizes OpenAI's LLM and information trained by Outside's extensive outdoor content library, Scout is designed to answer outdoor enthusiasts' queries with speed and accuracy.

Scout, developed by Outside Interactive, marks a major move in offering AI-powered support for outdoor activities. It provides instant, informative responses to a range of queries, from selecting ski gear to planning hiking routes, leveraging Outside's comprehensive and expertly curated content.

Robin Thurston, CEO of Outside, explains Scout's capabilities:

"Scout represents a leap forward in serving our users. It transforms decades of outdoor reporting into accessible, actionable advice, functioning as an indispensable tool for anyone seeking dependable outdoor guidance."

After an initial phase where Scout was exclusively available to Outside+ members, it has now been integrated into the navigation of Outside's extensive website network.

This expansion allows all users to benefit from Scout's AI-driven insights. Unlike traditional search tools, Scout is tailored to provide nuanced and context-rich recommendations, derived from Outside's reliable content sources.

Moreover, Future plans for Scout include integration with Outside's other digital platforms and apps, such as Trailforks and Gaia GPS. This integration aims to provide users with comprehensive outdoor planning tools, from trail maps to GPS coordinates, all sourced and verified by Outside's trusted network.


The launch of Scout looks a transformative addition to the outdoor adventure planning landscape. By harnessing AI technology, Scout offers a unique, user-friendly tool that elevates the outdoor experience through expertly informed and trustworthy advice.

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